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В риггерских кругах обсуждается появления новой "сильно рекомендованной доработки", вызванной крайним тандем-фаталити.

From the USPA web site.

UPT Highly Recommends Retrofit (updated 01/15/09)

United Parachute Technologies has released a Product Improvement Announcement aimed at all owners of the company’s Vector and Sigma harness and container systems that are equipped with a Collins lanyard and Skyhook reserve deployment device and an automatic activation device. The announcement states that UPT highly recommends that the two modifications be installed on all of their "Sigma Tandem and student systems by the next reserve pack job."

The first modification involves the installation of a Reserve Staging Loop, which uses a bungee loop and a bight of the reserve bridle to ensure the reserve container flaps remain closed until the reserve bridle has reached nearly to its full extension.

The second modification is the Split Reserve Static Line. The new Split RSL, while maintaining a single connection to the right main riser, isolates the Collins lanyard function from the other two RSL functions on the Skyhook system, thus making an inadvertent left side cutaway, for any reason, far less likely.

These two modifications have been developed in response to a recent tandem accident that started with a low main deployment that caused the Cypres AAD to fire and deploy the reserve as the main was inflating.

The company will send the retrofit kits for just the cost of the shipping. More information and installation instructions are available at www.uptvector.com

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lexa, Можешь прокомментировать?

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The first modification involves the installation of a Reserve Staging Loop, which uses a bungee loop and a bight of the reserve bridle to ensure the reserve container flaps remain closed until the reserve bridle has reached nearly to its full extension.

Спорное решение...

Так уже делали, и были уборки, и отказались от них еще в 80-х, не уверен...

The second modification is the Split Reserve Static Line. The new Split RSL, while maintaining a single connection to the right main riser, isolates the Collins lanyard function from the other two RSL functions on the Skyhook system, thus making an inadvertent left side cutaway, for any reason, far less likely.

А вот это очень неплохая мысль, учитывая вероятный сценарий, из-за которого произошло фаталити...

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Может кто нибудь схему нарисовать?

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Итак, по шпионской информации (RWS выходные сегодня) -

петля-замедлитель из эластичного шнура будет вставляться во второй люверс якорной пластины, просовываться сквозь камеру вместе с петлей ( :diablo: :diablo: ), на первом трамплине надо будет установить еще один люверс , в который она просовывается , и чекуется стреньгой потом.

:( :( :( :(

раздельный привод - петля колинса будет сделана отдельной, с большей слабиной...

Вечером обещали скинуть сканы инструкции новой.

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.не очень силен в английском, поэтому перевел как понял:

Первая модификация включает в себя установку Reserve Staging Loop (Запасной Поэтапной Петли?), которая использует амортизирующую петлю и зацеп за стреньгу ЗП для гарантированного удержания клапанов контейнера ЗП на близком расстоянии почти до полного натяжения стреньги ЗП.

Вопрос к риггерам: Что из себя представляет Reserve Staging Loop, и куда она крепится? Если можно, подробнее о том, как эта доработка функционирует?

Второй модификацией является Split Reserve Static Line (Разъединяемый RSL?). Новый Split RSL, поддерживая простое соединение к правому СК ОП, разделяет функцию Collins lanyard (отцепку левого СК ОП) от двух других функций RSL системы Skyhook, что делает случайную отцепку левого СК ОП менее вероятной.

Вопрос к риггерам: Что из себя представляет Split RSL, и как он устанавливается на систему, как приводится в действие? Если можно, подробнее о том, как эта доработка функционирует?

...И самое главное: если Вас не затруднит, answer in Russian, please! :).

P.S. упс. lexa немного упредил мои вопросы :))... спасиБо! :drinks:

Изменено пользователем Justas

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В принципе ход мысли разработчиков понятен,согласен смысл в новом RSL очевиден чего не скажеш о резинке продетой совместно с петлей через люверса камеры ПЗ .Да и вообще я это уже видел(по-16.по-17)и даже подвисал на раскрытии но то был основной. :huh:

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чего не скажеш о резинке продетой совместно с петлей через люверса камеры ПЗ .Да и вообще я это уже видел(по-16.по-17)и даже подвисал на раскрытии но то был основной. huh.gif

У Вектор 3 контейнер ПЗ распашной, нижние углы не зашиты, поэтому при расчековке клапанов камера просто вываливается.

Изначально казалось хорошей идеей.

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lexa, Прыгаю с (Sigma),углы зашиты,резинка в камере ПЗ зло.Мое ЛИЧНОЕ мнение,убрать скайхук.

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lexa, Прыгаю с (Sigma),углы зашиты,

Я в смысле что если на сигме вываливается, то из обычного контейнера вообще вылетит.

резинка в камере ПЗ зло.

Согласен абсолютно

Мое ЛИЧНОЕ мнение, убрать скайхук.


Как у любых сафети девайсов в парашютизме у скайхука есть плюсы и минусы.

РСЛ спасал и убивал

Страхующие приборы спасали и убивали

Запаски спасали и убивали.

Вопрос в пропорции.

Доработка "хайли рекомендед" = "как хочешь", и так как она "хайли рекомендед", а не "обязательная к исполнению" - значит бородатый понимает, как на резинку будут смотреть очень скептически...

Особенно старое поколение, которое еще их помнит, и к чему они приводили тоже помнит...

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.а кроме упомянутого фаталити с тандем-парой, были ли еще предпосылки/происшествия, причиной которых являлся skyhook или его неправильный монтаж? какова статистика применения skyhook или аналогичных систем?...

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Ответ UPT

UPT Product Improvement Notice PDF Print E-mail

Thursday, 15 January 2009

The recent Tandem fatality in NC emphasized a well known flaw in the concept of the modern automatic openers. Even if they function as designed, they can do something no sensible human would do. They can open the reserve container during ,or just after, a normal main deployment, if the jumper pulls close to their firing altitude. This can cause a dangerous two-out canopy situation. A MARD system, such as the Skyhook, can make this situation better, worse, or make no difference at all, depending on the exact timing of the AAD activation. Three basic scenarios are possible:

1. If the AAD fires during the deployment sequence, above an airspeed of about 30 mph, then the reserve pilot chute should generate enough drag to disconnect the Skyhook, and pull the reserve out of its freebag, just as it would in a total malfunction. You will have a two-out situation, but because the Skyhook released normally, it will have no effect on the outcome. The best way to avoid this (and the other two scenarios) is to always pull well above your AAD's firing altitude.

2. If the AAD fire happens after opening shock, then the bag should not fall out of the container, and depending on the size and speed of the inflated main, the reserve pilot chute should tow about 5 feet behind the jumper, still connected to the Skyhook. This is because the airspeed at pilot chute inflation was so low that the red seal thread on the Skyhook did not break. This is a more or less stable situation, but you should gain control of the trailing reserve pilot chute before releasing you brakes. With the pilot chute trailing just 5 feet behind you ( instead of the usual 12-18 feet) it is easier to "reel in", and there is less likelihood of its generating enough drag to pull the reserve bag out of the container causing a two- out situation. In this scenario the Skyhook actually makes a two-out less likely.

3. However, if the timing is "perfect", and the AAD fires during the main deployment, below 30 mph, and just before opening shock, the reserve freebag can be ejected from its container by opening shock , and end up hanging from the Skyhook. This is also a more or less "stable", situation, but a lot messier. Therefore, there is a danger that you might inadvertently load the Collins' Lanyard, through the Skyhook, while trying to reel in the mess. (If the Collins' Lanyard is pulled over 6 inches in the right direction, it will do its job and cutaway the left main riser.) While other causes are certainly possible, this scenario may have happened in the North Carolina tandem fatality.

To help prevent this scenario from happening in the future, UPT has added two new features to its Vector and Sigma Tandem harness and container systems shipped after January 5, 2009.

1. The Reserve Staging Loop

Most modern reserve containers have pocketed lower corners to properly stage the reserve deployment. That means that they are designed to contain the reserve bag and lines until the pilot chute reaches the end of the reserve bridle, inflates, and pulls the bag out of the container. This passive staging method, first introduced on the Vector, has proven adequate.unless an AAD fires just prior to opening shock, and the bag is expelled by that opening shock (scenario 3).

By adding a bungee cord staging loop, locked with a bight of the freebag bridle, to the reserve container, this scenario can be prevented. We have done over 75 reserve deployment test jumps using this configuration, at all common airspeeds, with no adverse effects to the reserve deployment. In other words, the staging loop does nothing to slow down the reserve deployment. It only insures that the reserve opens in the correct sequence in all scenarios. Before pocketed corners became common on reserve containers, this type of device was used for many years, on thousands of reserve deployments, without adverse effect. It is simply the combination of widespread use of AAD's and jumpers pulling low, that once again makes it a good idea.

2. Split RSL Lanyard.

The new Split RSL, while maintaining a single connection to the right main riser, isolates the Collins lanyard function from the other two RSL functions on the Skyhook system, thus making an inadvertent left side cutaway, for any reason, far less likely.

While scenario #3 is not as likely on smaller containers, it is definitely a possibility on large containers, where the corners of the reserve container are less likely to contain the longer, heavier reserve bag through an opening shock. Therefore, while we would like to see both these innovations on all our Skyhook/Collins Lanyard equipped systems with AADs, we highly recommend that they be installed on our Sigma Tandem and student systems by the next reserve pack job.

Neither of these innovations requires any additional input from the jumper, nor do they change standard emergency procedures. Retro-fit kits fit in a letter-size envelope, and are available at UPT at no cost except for shipping and handling. Please see the below links for work instructions and further information.

Ссылка тут: http://uptvector.com/index.php?option=com_...view&id=160

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Сан Пас (тоже пользователь SkyHook):

"мы пока экспериментируем, и пока не собираемся ничего менять"

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